Monday, July 03, 2006

...7:45 am. He's gone...

My brother died this morning...


At 9:08 PM, Blogger fierce1 had said was, uh...

How are you doing honey? I'll give you a call again tomorrow. Love you and you and mom and dad are in my thoughts.

At 8:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous had said was, uh...

I'm very sorry to here about your brother, but he'll always be alive in your thoughts and your memories. He'll live forever as long as you take him with your heart, mind, body, spirit, and actions. Sincerely...

At 7:11 PM, Blogger The Funky Fly Fresh Goddess had said was, uh...

Thank you, Sarah...Thank you, Anonymous

At 12:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous had said was, uh...

Dear Funky Fly Fresh Goddess...
I was reading your blog...dancing your heart out for your brother...that's really touching. I also dance, and I know the power of dance. I know how it's a form of communication. It's an outlet of stress and emotion, especially those emotions that are easily conveyed through physical expression. (I should explain that it's easier for me to communicate my deepest emotion through verbal expression or with the dance.) I'm rambling I know, but I feel so compelled to thank you. I could not imagine losing my brother, but recently my brother and I had a difference of opinion over something that I thought was a releatively small thing. It got blown out of proportion and we haven't been speaking. The distance and the silence cuts like a knife... Then I think about you and your brother and I remeber what Oprah always says..."is it going to matter on your dying day?" Honestly when I weigh what was said and done against that, it's true; it won't matter on my dying day. Please keep the dance and your brother in your heart; keep them right next to each other. You'll find the love of your brother will make you a more passionate dancer, and you will always be able to honor your brother through the dance. You'll have the ability to honor him in a way that mere words could not convey... And I'm going to try to look past my brother's faults (or what I feel to be faults)and I'm going to hope that he can look beyond mine. I need to keep my brother in my heart and use the dance as a tool to express my frustration and leave it right on the dance floor.(the frustration I mean) I need to dance my heart out for my brother too... Thank you for sharing your grief and your love of your brother with the world. In times of tragedy we often get lost in the heartache and preoccupied with the mundane tasks invovled with living, but good things come out of grief. Good things come out of sharing your thoughts...I don't even know you and you've shown me that I need to repair the relationship between my brother and I. Also, if you haven't read it, you may consider reading "A Grief Observed" by C.S. Lewis. I found it to be very inciteful...
You are in my thoughts.
Thank you again, Sincerely


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